

We don´t just think, we think ahead!

National and international research projects

Atres is anxious to offer its clients laboratory and consulting services with the best quality and technique standard. To realize that, it is essential to absolve professional further education and participate in national and international research and development projects. Our atres biogas special laboratory and our atres biogas technical center compose the operative base for our research projects.

Selected research projects:

  • Therchem: thermochemical pre-check to increase biogas yield
  • FABbiogas: biogas in the food and beverage industry
  • ADRIL: establishment of quality standards at chemical technic analysis
  • Bioenergy2020+: network partner

Atres biogas technical center

On demand, our clients can get individual research capacity in atres biogas technical center. We are always available with high quality and professionalism, when needed.

Atres biogas technical center is perfectly equipped to work out diverse issues in laboratory and pilot benchmarks. Main equipment features are:

  • 72-eudiometer test stations with 500 to 1.000ml test fermenters
  • Multiple 2.000, 4.000, 6.000 and 10.000 ml test fermenters with agitator
  • Multiple Ritter wet gas meter and milli gas counter, AWITE gas measurement equipment and gas chromatograph to determine the gas quality

We are available for personal consulting and customizing our offerings to your issues.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us:
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Anaerobic technique and renewable energy systems – the key combination for what atres stands for and the reason why we support a frictionless operation of your biogas plant.

We are proud to present you our self-elaborated additives for the usage of you biogas plant. The specific formulations of trace elements from our product series atres c-plus are authorized by the fermentation regulation and guarantee a successful adaption in different areas.

Beside the products regarding to trace elements, we also offer atres SchreibLinka multitasking pen for an efficient collection and rapid digitalization of data.

Additionally, we supply a mid-infrared spectrometer, the atres OptiMIRS, which analyses your samples on site within a few minutes.

We are available for personal consulting and customizing our offerings to your issues.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us:
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SchreibLink® – the efficient method for data collection

To an operator, highly recurrent data documentation and analysis of the own biogas plant, is a base for controlling and safety to be efficient and undisturbed. Data collection and processing is a daily workload, which is often tedious and error-prone.

A direct way to digitalize data

SchreibLink looks like a normal pen, but just from the outside. Inside, our multitasking tool is adapted with modern technique. During collecting the data of you biogas plant into your special document, Schreiblink gathers those optically, digitalized them and send the prepared information to the atres data base. The gathered data never have to confer by hand, consequently error sources can be avoided.

EASY, FAST AND TRUSTWORTHY – advantages of SchreibLink®

  • On site gathering on paper
  • Digitalizing data in real time
  • Error free data transfer
  • Direct conferring, uncomplicated interface
  • Comfortable data preparation
  • Rapid availability of data for processing
  • Winning of time and higher efficiency
  • No change of workflows
  • Easy usage, no instruction necessary
  • Robust pen, usage of industry technique

How it works:

  1. Fill out your special document with atres SchreibLink
  2. Push the mailing button and send the digitalized data to your transmitter box, data will be sent to the atres server
  3. After a validation the evaluation will be generated and you receive the digitalized data
  4. Optional: Contact us for noticeable measured data to discuss about causes and solution approaches

Delivery contents

  • Digital pen atres SchreibLink
  • Transmitter box for cable free data transmission via Bluetooth and web
  • Charger for the pen
  • Refills


  • individual special document for your biogas plant
  • complete data preparation
  • provision of data in graphics in an open file
  • set-up service by phone

Additional Options

  • Efficiency check of your plant
  • Service for data storage
  • Instruction for your employees on site

Firmensitz & Probenannahme: Hansjakobstraße 127a, 81825 München